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'The Hytte' written in graphical font

Accessible self-catering holiday cottage in Northumberland
Situated at Bingfield near Hexham Northumberland

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Winter wonderland at the Hytte, December 2009 - January 2010

We hope you enjoy the beautiful scenes around the Hytte during this extraordinary cold and snowy spell.

This year we have had more snow than we can remember for the last 30 years, it started on 19th December and the snow did not disappear until 19th January.

picture of Frosty Hytte - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Frosty Hytte
picture of Frosty ornamental birds - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Frosty ornamental birds

It started with a Hoar frost, and temperatures of around -5°c

picture of Snowy Hytte - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Snowy Hytte
picture of Snowy Hytte - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Snowy Hytte

It started to snow!

And then began to freeze.

picture of Frosty Cobweb - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Frosty Cobweb

Down to -13°c after New Year

picture of Proper Icicles - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Proper Icicles
picture of Christmas Decorations - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Christmas Decorations

Our guests enjoyed a white Christmas.
"Christmas time at the Hytte truly special, everything was just perfect - walking into the Hytte and seeing all those special Christmas trimmings - wonderful, thank you for organizing the snow" Janet and Bill

We usually hang festive icicle lights on the Hytte at Christmas.
This year we purchased some low energy LED lights, but "Mother Nature" and "Jack Frost" had other ideas.

picture of Real Icicles - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Real Icicles
picture of Real Icicles - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Real Icicles

.....and we were treated to a spectacular display of "real" icicles

picture of More Real Icicles - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
More Real Icicles
picture of Cold Hens - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Cold Hens
picture of Hen footprints in snow - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Hen footprints

Our poor hens struggled with the cold and spent most of the time in their hut keeping their feet warm.

But being proper "Free Range" at least one hardy hen ventured out!

picture of Hytte driveway - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Hytte driveway
picture of Hytte from the bottom of the field - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Hytte from the bottom of the field
picture of Foot of snow on picnic table - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Foot of snow on picnic table
picture of Foot of snow on rock - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Foot of snow on rock
picture of Hytte driveway - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Hytte driveway
picture of Snowman courtesy of our Christmas guests! - click for larger image. Opens in new tab
Snowman courtesy of our guests!

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